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If marriage holds earlier


Mujeeb Rahman married Raihanah when she was 17th year old. Later, he gave up her because of the sever opposition from his family.  Raihanah approached the family court. The court ordered that the marriage with a female child who is below 18 is unlawful as per Indian maturity law. On a petition submitted against that decree, Justice R. Basanth of Kerala high court brought out a vital decree, which refers to the Muslim personal law that it is acceptable the marital contract of Muslim girl who is wise and a menstruated. 
As far as Islamic law is concerned, marriage is a contract. The Muslim personal law does not determine a certain age for marriage. The famous Jurisprudent Thahir Mahmood reveals the difference of age for marriage in various Muslim countries. As per the Roman low, the age of a bride and groom was 12-14 respectively.  Later, it became a law in Christian countries. By the passing of time there found several changes in family life and social perspectives, especially due to the intellectual awakening and widening. 
Child marriage can be found as existing in India from the Vedic period. The Saint Manu directed to marry an eight years old girl for a 24 years old bachelor.  Still now, in a day thousands of children became bride and grooms, especially in Rajasthan. Once upon a time, two or three year’s old infants were seen married in Europe. However, naturally these connections had been broken when they become adults. 
We hear accusations about increasing child marriages in Malappuram district for many years. In which girl students have been taken away from schools and marry them before getting sufficient maturity and when they are in their 20s they give birth to three or more children and become like aged women. The husband collects alimony to give his first wife from his second one. The Muslims are accused much in these cases; even though such a condition can be seen in high casts too. This issue gets much relevance in features, visual-media discussion lively. 
It is unknown whether this accusation as a result of factual studies or not.  Anyhow, it is not good to express intolerance while a criticism rose. But, the community should be ready to study the crisis more and put solutions forward.  A girl will not be eligible for marriage only by menstruation. The mental and physical maturity is the main factor to determine her eligibility to be married.  She is needed to be matured for habituating with her husband and his family, to face the realities she never experienced and to deal with family. 
We cannot face the problems of modern era by justifying the marrying ages of our grand mothers in the left generations. A premature girl should get suitable time for getting married.  Teenage is the age of enjoyment and a spring season on which many dreams on love and life become nourished. And it is an age in which, anxious enquiries might be took place about the experience of sexuality and other emotions. In this age, the teenage is needed to understand that the real life is not like in Cinema, Serial and Novels.  In this stage, a girl should not be approached as silly as catching a flying bird. 
Presently, there is a condition that no one will be ready to marry a girl after a certain age. Here, an educated Muslim girl does not get an appropriate suit after completion of their graduation or post graduation, as the suits do not expect from them any degree or professions.  When a young person in his 18th age comes from abroad after two years for a short time vacation, who had just studied up to the secondary level, want a small girl and he is not bothered  whether she is educated or not.  Often, the rise and fall in educational qualifications of married couples might be a cause for several psychological problems in some marriages. Moreover, the problems like poverty, dowry and lack of awareness in health affairs usually can be seen in child marriages. 
The serious matter is the health problems of a premature girl. The marriage before maturing her sexual organs and frequent deliveries will lose her health. Frequent delivery effect matrix and it give way to back pain. The recent news shows that many women patients suffering from back pain in Kerala are those who belong to Malappuram district.  Now, we cannot find more incidents on natural easy deliveries. It is said about Malappuram district where soon after the mother delivered, her daughter gives birth to a child, and this is an increasing situation there.  Sterility, abortions are another tendency increasing here. When a young woman gives birth to three or four children in her 15th or 21st age, it cause for losing her stamina. It leads her to premature death. Therefore, she fails to concentrate even on her own children’s health. 
There is an opposite argument against this statement which refers to the early marriage for a woman may decrease the possibility to enter the offences such as love traps. Her family desire to marry her away before she is being fall in love with somebody. Their justification is that it is the best way comparing with the western urbanity where the unmarried girl children in their 12th or 13th ages become mothers. Their later marriages empty the sweet of married life. 
Before facing the marriage, a girl should learn some more things related with sexuality, family life etc.


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