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Through the Super-space lonely



The guide, Jibreel (A), escorting the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) until the Lote tree(Sidrathul Munthaha), bide farewell to him. He also participated along with the Prophet(PBH) in the calibrations which the Almighty prepared to him near the Sidrathul Munthaha. Jibril (A) was in his official dress for this unction. Almighty Allah himself describes this function “And indeed he (Muhammad (PBH) saw him (Jibreel) at a second descend. Near the Lot tree (A Lote tree of the utmost boundary over the seventh heaven beyond which none can pass). When that covered the Lote tree which did cover it! The sight turned not aside, nor it transgressed beyond the limit. Indeed he did see the greatest sights of his Lord.” (Sura AnNajm; 53:13-18).
It was at his second times that Prophet (PBH) saw Jibreel (A) in his full appearance. Oh! What a beauty! He had six hundred feathers and pearls and gems where dropping from them. He was appeared before a curtain which covered the horizon fully. Such a glowing beauty is hard to perceive by a common man. But the Prophet (PBH), whose heart being washed many times by Zamzam Water, saw this beauty without any difficult. The last part of the above mentioned holy verse indicates to this fact. Thus Allah completed his promise as described in the Surath Isra : “to show him from our ayath” (Isra).
Beyond the doubt, his expedition was really a study tour. He saw many signs of Allah in the earth through ‘Isra’, and signs in the sky through ‘Miaraj’. So, any scientists can not tress pass the Prophet’s expedition even in the name of and science or technology. Here are two causes: (1) any astronauts can not reach at the destination where the Prophet (PBH) reached. (2) So, they cannot enjoy such like greatest signs of their God. If the Modern scientists are lead by their coherence, they must consent the Prophet (PBH) as the last messenger of Allah. It might be another intention behind the Mi’raj. Because the Propht Ibrahim(A) could see the mystery of heaven sitting in the earth. The Quran says: Thus did we show Ibrahim the kingdom of the heavens and the earth that he be one of those who have faith with certainty. (Aurath Al An’am, 6:75).
The Prophet Ibrahim (A) had not faced the astronauts like ‘Neal Armstrong’ and Gagarin but our Prophet (PBH) had to. They never tamper their Prophet in the name of so called achievement landing in the Moon. They should remember the supremacy of their Prophet in all sorts. Thus they come forward to proclaim the sentence of Shahada. This intention behind the Mi’arj came to our mind when we recite the holy verse “Indeed he (Muhammad (PBH) did see of the Greatest Signs, of his Lord” (Allah).
When Compared to the Prophet (PBH), the modern astronaut could see a little in the space. It was only the Prophet (PBH) got the fortune to visit a planet. The Moon is only a sub planet. So the achievements of Prophet (PBH) are a day-dream to astronauts. So the Prophet (PBH) stands stalwart in way of space exploration.
As the great Sufi Umer Qazi (R) described on It: “To the invisible world of wonders you witness and the secret treasuries like Nasooth and Jabarooth were opened in front of you. Hell and heaven appeared before you. You saw how will be the blessing and punishments. When you saw a section of people, who were sowing the seeds as well reaping it, asked to your guide. Then he described them to you “they are martyrs in the path of Allah”.
Like wise, the Prophet (BPH) saw a group whose heads were fractured severely by huge rock, but soon they return to the same situation. The guide explained to him they are lazy in their prayers. There was another group of people eating the rotten and uncooked meat avoiding the cooked fresh meat. Then the guide described that it is the punishment given to prostitutes. Another kind of people wearing torn dress disclosing their secret parts, it was the reward to those who turned their indifferent face towards Zakath. There was another group they indulged in burning their lips and tongue, this process was continued. They were those made seditious speeches to lure people.
Another type of people, with swollen stomach, falls while they stand. It was the sever punishment allotted to those eating the interest. It is a great warning to those indulged with Bank. If a pregnant woman struggles for ten month to walk, these people have to struggle with unending years. It is a great warning to the expatriates toiling in abroad and invests their money in the modern Bank. They may lead a luxurious life and become fat by eating the forbidden fruits. Let the dreadful scene in the Mi’raj dissuade them from this misdeed.
After the completion of the ceremony at the Lote tree, the guide bid farewell to the Prophet (PBH). When he prepared to leave, he entreats to Prophet (PBH) “Oh Messenger of Allah, it is your turn to meet with your Lord. So go alone, I have not given the permission to follow you from here. If I violate the boundary, I will be burned to fire. Umar Qazi (R) describes it.: “Dear Prophet leave me, go on your journey, fear not, be merry, taste the spice of meeting your Lord.
Here comes one of the most celebrated moments in the history. Prophet (PBH), the most exalted of human being, explores the unseen path of glory. A journey from Space to Super Space! To a world where no past, no present or no future! A world not controlled with the limitation of space and time! As we are unable to grasp the basis of His entity, we cannot imagine that conversation held between them. For being the time, let us said: The Almighty Allah spoke to his beloved Prophet (PBH) apart from time and space. In a nutshell, it was a conversation beyond our comprehension.



  Read more  
bullet Isra’: a Scientific Analysis  
bullet Jama'ath in the Baith Al Muquaddas  
bullet Scientific view of Mi'raj  
bullet More than one body for the virtuous people  
bullet Mi'raj: a Physical Journey  
bullet The Prophets' bodies will not be decayed  
bullet The Prophet meets with Allah  
bullet Through the Super-space lonely