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Mi’raj: a Physical Journey



The holy Mi’raJ and the confrontation of Prophets were not by soul but a physical process. The description of leaning on Baitul-M’amoor testifies this fact. It is a commonly known fact that the soul cannot lean to somewhere. There was Prophet Adam (May Allah Blessed with him) weeping for his children. How a soul weeps? The Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) says: “I saw Prophet Moosa (May Allah Blessed with him) in the night of Isra performing prayer in his tomb. How soul performs prayer that consist of standing and prostration.
Why did the eight Prophets, mentioned in the Hadith, take over the responsibility of leading the reception ceremony? What was the intention behind it? Was it an accidental one? Never, it is not an accidental one.
In the first heaven, there was Adam (A) prepared to welcome his beloved son. There is a point in which both Prophet Adam and Prophet Mohammed (Peace and Blessing be upon them) are connected together. Both of them have experienced the bitterness of emigration. Adam (A) from heaven and the Prophet Muhammad (PBH) from his own native place.
The nostalgic feeling of our Prophet (PBH) towards his mother land, the holy Makkah, is revealed in his last word during his Farwell to it. He said sadly: Oh Makkah! You are the most beloved land to me. I will not have parted you, unless my country men got me out of your promise. At this grief stricken condition, remembrance of the great story of Adam (A) might have alleviated the extremity of his grief. For this purpose, Almighty Allah paved the way for meeting by this space exploration before his emigration.
As the grave is a resort for the deceased, the first resort after parting the earth will be a renouncing one. Prophet Adam (A) was the first man to welcome his son at the first post. A father is more concerned with the improvement of his children. How compassionate is Adam (A), weeping for his children. His tears, rolled down from his eyes, justify his deed. He may be beseeching to his beloved son to save his children on the verge of hell. There were Prophet Yahya and E’sa (A) next to Adam (A) in the second heaven. Both of them well experienced the wickedness of Jewish Society. Yahya (A) was killed by them and E’sa (A) whom Allah saved from their murdering conspiracy and he was brought to sky and stays there waiting for his turn. The Prophet Muhammad (PBH) has to emigrate to holy Madina after a year. These two Prophets are most suitable to teach him about the disposition he has to take when dealing with Jews.
There was Prophet Yoosuf (A) in the third heaven. Both Prophet Muhammad and Yoosuf (PBH) were tortured by their own relatives. Yoosuf (A) was lead to the altar of death by his own brothers. Our Prophet (PBH) also mostly tortured by his own tribe Quraysh. In addition, the last moments of their life also end in similarity. Prophet Yoosuf (A) proclaimed to his torturers, when he ascended to the thrown: Oh dear brothers! Let the bygone be bygone, and today, there is no prosecution upon you. On the day of the ‘Triumph of holy Makkah’, the Prophet Muhammad (PBH) said to his enemies: “I say to you as the Prophet Yoosuf (A) said to his torturers, in the day of this prosperity you are free and no prosecution upon you today. This amnesty program, shining in the pages of historical remaining, became relevant through the confrontation with Yousuf (A).
It was Prophet Idrees (A) in the forth heaven to give his son a grand welcome. In his case, the holy Quran stresses: “And we raised his to a high position” (Surat Maryam 57). He is said to be the sole Prophet who leads a persistent life in the sky. So such an exalted person is the most deserved one to receive the most exalted of Adam son.
In fifth heaven Prophet Haroon (A) welcomed the Messenger (PBH) warmly. The Similarity between the both Prophets is indisputable. Two of them was hurt at the outset of their propagation by their own people and was received openly at the end. If the majority of Prophets sent to an unsophisticated society, Haroon (A) was the vice-versa. His propagation field, the Egypt, had a sophisticated civilization. Haroon (A) was among the Prophets raised their voice against the arrogant and pompous rulers like Faroa. He was the second one selected to face Faroa, the most arrogant the world had ever seen. Prophet Muhammad (PBH) has to spread his message to the gigantic palace, like Rom after the Hijra. And here comes the importance of their meeting.
At the sixth heaven, Moosa (A) who was sent to the most ungrateful and audacious society in the history of human life, welcomed our Messenger(PBH). Their audacity reached to such an extent that once they asked him to show him Allah directly. Our Prophet (PBH) was also sent to such a barbarian and uncivilized society named the Bedouins. It is the picture of Moosa (A) comes in his memory when he is mistreated by Quraysh. He used to find solace and comfort in his memory. Once he said anxiously that Prophet Moosa (A) had many bitter experience than me and he put up with it.
The last reception in the seventh heaven was by Ibrahim (A) the father of all Prophets. If the beginning of reception by the father of humanity, the last reception was by the father of the Prophets, Ibrahim (A). It may be accidental that Prophet (PBH) sees Ibrahim (A) from the seventh heaven and it was only after the seven years of Hijra, he is given the opportunity to perform Hajj to the house built by Ibrahim (A).

From Space to Super space

This blessed ascension, after given a grand welcome by eight Prophets, is going to reach the super space. After meeting with Ibrahim (A), Prophet (PBH) was lead to the Lott tree (Sidrathul Munthaha). It can be called the concluding boundary. Its root begins from the Heaven, the branches spread beyond the seventh heaven, leaves like elephant ears and its fruits like big barren. It is in the entering point of Angels to Baithul Ma’moor. It is as we mark the boundary of the villages according to some gigantic trees.
The Sidrathul Munthaha is might be established to fix the boundary between the space and super space. There are four rivers related to this tree. Two of them are in the Paradise and two in the earth. They are the rivers of Nile and Euphrates.
The origin of both Nile and Euphrates may be felt to us from certain mountains. But for this process, the mountain needs drops of water. And it is from the clouds. How clouds derive? It is possible that the vapors rose from the seas like Arabian and it might be rose until the Sidrathul Munthaha (Lott tree) and can be showered down for the streaming of both Nile and Euphrates. The holy Quran declares: I sent down pure water from the heaven. (Surat Al – Furqan 48). The Arabic word ‘Min’, used in this Quranic verse, indicates the beginning. It stresses the derivation of water is from the heaven.
Nile is the treasury of wonders. It has six times under stream than the outer part. The inhabitance of both banks maintains differences in their beauty.
Sidrathul Munthaha was fully decorated to welcome our Prophet (PBH). It was an indescribable moment. As Prophet (PBH) himself stated: “When it was furnished with all kinds of ornaments in such a manner that everyone become lock-lipped to describe it. If it is the fact, what is the condition of the innovative movements (Bida’ees) criticizing the global Muslim, when some festoons are being hanged to celebrate the birth day of our beloved Prophet (PBH). Here comes the importance of the Milad calibration and the recitation of Mowlid.



  Read more  
bullet Isra’: a Scientific Analysis  
bullet Jama'ath in the Baith Al Muquaddas  
bullet Scientific view of Mi'raj  
bullet More than one body for the virtuous people  
bullet Mi'raj: a Physical Journey  
bullet The Prophets' bodies will not be decayed  
bullet The Prophet meets with Allah  
bullet Through the Super-space lonely