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A Glance into the Hijri calendar and New Year

Through the chapter ‘the Elephant’( Sûrat Al- Fîl), the holy Qur’an has opened a door into the historical event of Abrahath’s movement with elephant army to collapse the holy Ka’baa. Sending the birds in flocks, Allah ruined them entirely. Concerning the people of holy Makkah, it was a historical event and they started to count down their years in accordance with the Year of Elephant. (The Year of the Elephant (in Arabic, `Âm al-Fîl) is the name in Islamic history for the year approximately equating to 570 AD. According to Islamic tradition, it was in this year that Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) was born. The name is derived from an event said to have occurred at holy Makkah in which Abraha, the ruler of the principality of Saba' in Yemen marched upon the Kaaba with a large army, which included elephants, intending to demolish it. The year came to be known as the Year of the Elephant, beginning a trend for reckoning the years in Arabia which was used until it was replaced with the Islamic calendar during the rule of Umar (May Allah please with him).
But, it is not a rare method that counting the year according to a great event, but it is a usual process prevailing in the world.
After the demise of the messenger (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) and caliph Abûbacker (May Allah please with him), the caliphate of Umer (May Allah please with him) came to existence in Arabia, then, the roots of Islam spread out of Arabia and many non-Arab countries came under the wings of Islamic rule. Mean while, an opinion about the necessity of a public calendar raised among the Muslims. Different remarks, on which event should be considered for starting the year, flew into the holy Madina, such as the birthday of the messenger, the demise of him and his prophethood so on. Eventually, they unanimously accepted the decision of considering Hijra (the pilgrimage of prophet (PBH) from holy Makkah to holy Madina) as an event to begin the calendar of Muslim world. But next problem of here was on which month should be begun with. Here also, different opinions were appeared such as Ramadhan, Dhul-hijjah so on. After the prolonged discussion, Muharram, the month on which the war was forbidden and the returning time of pilgrims from Hajj, was considered as the first month of Hijri calendar. But, the hijra took place on 12th day of Rabeeul Avval(the third month of Hijri) two months after Muharram which was selected as the first month for hijri calendar. It was this variation that appeared before Umer (May Allah please with him) as a next problem. But scholars unanimously decided to never mind this contradiction (Hashiyathu Nahvil wafi 4/564).
The scholars have opinioned that Allah’s taking oath with the word ‘Valfajri’ (in the Sûrat Al- Fajr-The Break of Day of the Dawn-, Chapter 89) is an implication to the first day’s dawn of Muharram (Thafsir Kalan 498). Besides, Imam Qathada (May Allah Please with him) has stated the down referred in the word ‘Valfajri’ is the very down of Muharram’s first day (Ghaliath 2/85). It can be seen in Hashiythul Iqnaa’ as Imam Ibnu Hajarul Asqalani (May Allah Mercy upon him) opinioned in fathhul Bari 14/339 that the oaths, Allah used in Qur’an, must be prominent ones. Hence, the dawn of Muharam’s first day that Allah highlighted in the word ‘Valfajri’ must be more prominent to Muslim community.
Verily, the majority of scholars have reminded us to welcome the New Year with a sincere repentance that may erase all our former sins.
Wallowing in negligence and ugliness, you have lost the lion share of your life time. You even failed to understand what should be done or what should be prevented. Can you ever be ready to welcome the New Year with the pure repentance showering tears on your stain full former life. If so, your all sins can be forgiven by the Most High (Ghalaith 2/86).
It is allowed by Islam to dedicate New Year wishes to our dear one. It may strengthen our mutual pleasures and affections. Islam shows us how to wish the wishes of New Year such as ‘Thaqabbala llahu minna vaminkum’ (Allah may receive every thing from you and us). To give shake hands is also desirable but only between those people it is permissible to see and touch between them. The followings are some wishing methods to dedicate in the new year, ‘Thaqabbalallahu minkum’, ‘Ahyakumullahu lil Amalissalih’, ‘Kulla aam va anthum be khair’ (Allah accept from you every things, Allah may alive you for ever for doing these sorts of good deeds) (Sharvani 7/56).
  Read more  
bullet Muharram: Holy month of Allah the Most High  
bullet The astonishing events on the tenth day of Muharram  
bullet The special deeds in Ashura’  
bullet The notable solutions for some doubts  
bullet The Glory of Ninth and Eleventh days of Muharram