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Muharram: Holy month of Allah the Most High

Allah, he alone is the creator of entire-universe. His creations extend to earth, heaven, sun, moon, stars, all the living things like man, animal, insects... etc, all other spiritless things and so on. The time and season too was created by the Almighty. Though All his creations are in equal rank before him, he has provided something with more prominence than others concerning each one’s peculiarity. The messenger (Peace and Blessing be upon him) once said about the fluctuations eras, according to their status: The noble generation is mine, the next comes nearer to them and the next is nearer to them (Bukhari, Muslim). The variations of some month, and days in status and value can be seen in the pages of Qur’an and Hadîth. As the holy birthday of prophet (PBH) taking place on here, Rabeeul Avval (the third month of Hijri) possessed the most virtuous position as like the Ramadan the 9th month of Hijri on which the Qur’an was sent down and is the month of salvation.
The month Muharram is on a position of dazzling prominence among the four months –Muharram (the first moth of Hijri), Rajab( the 7th month of Hijri), Dhul Qaa’da (11th month of Hijri) and Dul Hijja (the 12th month of Hijri)- despite these four months have been considered as the most venerable months during the dark age after the arrival of Islam. That is why, the very name the ‘war-banned month’ (Al-Muharram) was given to the Muharram alone, though the other three months also being prohibited from the war. Hence, to give this name is an implication to the necessity of keeping extreme peace and calmness on this month’ (Thuhfa: 8/453, Nihaya: 7/300).
The messenger once told : “verily, Muharram is the Almighty’s own month” (Thurmudi). “The month of Allah is Muharram” (Muslim). “Muharram is the voiceless month of Almighty, for, the clashing sounds of arms cannot be heard on this month” (Galiath: 2/85). Imam Abu Ubaid (May Allah Mercy upon him) commends that the cause behind being this month named with the month of Allah (Shahrullah) is to teach us the admirable position and venerable state of Muharram’ (Ghgaliathul mavaid 2/85).
It is the Islamic doctrine that to increase good deeds in all the virtuous days. A number of Hadiths can be seen in so many Hadîth books as the Messenger suggested to his Companions to increase their good deeds in prominent months like Ramadan and days. The Messenger’s order to perform fasting in prominent days is a sufficient way to express veneration to this days. But it has prohibited in the days of two Eids and the three days immediately after the Eid Al Adh’ha (Ayyamu Thashreeque). Despite we perform obligatory fasting in Ramadan it is desirable to do fasting in virtuous days such as 9th day of Dul Hijja, 6 days in Shawwal the 10th month of Hijri (It is more preferable to perform immediately after the Eid Al-Fithr continuously), 9th and 10th days of Muharram, all Mondays (which obtain the golden chance to be the day of prophet’s birth) and all Thursdays of each Hijri month, 13,14 and 15 of each Hijri month (the white days), 28, 29 and 30 of each Hijri month (the Black days), 27th day of Rajab (Mia’raj day)and 15th day of Sha’aban the 8th month of Hijri (Bara’ath day). It is understood from these events that the fasting is more virtuous deed than other good deeds, done in the virtuous days. Astonishingly enough, Islam doesn’t give permission to perform fasting on Friday, most important day in each week in order to perform other important deeds concerning the Jumua. “It is a hatred deed to do fasting on Friday unless the causes of voluntary fasting take place on Friday or one performs fasting on every days continuously including Friday” (Thuhfa: 3/458, Nihaya).
In a nut shell, It is desirable to perform fasting in Muharram too. Imam Ali (May Allah please with him) tells: “Once, a man came to the messenger (PBH) and asked: which month do you suggest me to perform fasting after Ramadan? The messenger replied: “Muharram, it is the month of Allah” (Thurmudi). Abu Huraira (May Allah please with him) says: “The messenger has commended that Muharram is the best month to do fasting after Ramadan” (Muslim). After Ramadan, the most proper months to perform fasting are the four war-banned months. But Muharram adorns the prominent position among these four, Rajab is the next one, soon after, Dhul Hijjah comes and last but not least Dhul Qhada stands” (Fathhul Mueen: 204). Each day of Muharram is equivalent to thirty days of an ordinary month (Thabrani). This Hadîth indicates that it is desirable to do fasting in every days of Muharram.
The first ten days of Muharram have enough peculiarities than its other days. Some of the interpreters of the holy Qur’an have gone to the opinion that the ten nights referred in the Sûrat Al- Fajr (The Break of Day of the Dawn, Chapter 89) might be the first ten days of Muharram [ Thafsir Al-Madarik 4/353]. According to this opinion, Allah’s oath with ten nights of Muharram is quiet notable. Scholars commended that Allah brings only the most prominent things to take oath in Qur’an. “If Allah wishes to give any sort of veneration to any one of his creations, by which, He takes oath in Qur’an” [Fath-hul Bari-14/339]. Hence it is figured out that Allah blessed the first ten days of Muharram with measureless peculiarities. “All believers respect unanimously the three prominent ten days i.e. the last ten days of Ramadan and the first ten days of Muharram and Dhul-Hijjah respectively [Ghaliath 2/86]. “It is desirable to do fasting in the first ten days of Muharram” [Fathhul Mueen 204, Khalyubi 2/23, Nihay 3/201-2, Sharwani 3/456, Ibn qasim –Hashiyathu Thuhfa – 3/456].

  Read more  
bullet A Glance into the Hijri calendar and New Year  
bullet The astonishing events on the tenth day of Muharram  
bullet The special deeds in Ashura’  
bullet The notable solutions for some doubts  
bullet The Glory of Ninth and Eleventh days of Muharram