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The notable solutions for some doubts

The Messenger (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) used to perform fasting on the tenth day of Muharram and order his Companions to do the same. Then the companions (Allah may please with them) raised a doubt before the Messenger: “isn’t it a virtuous day of Jews and Christians?” But the prophet [PBH] replied: ”verily, if I will remain on the coming year, I must perform fasting on the ninth day of Muharram too” [Muslim]. According to this Hadîth, it is preferable to do fasting on the ninth day other than the tenth day of Muharram.
But, some described this affaire in a supposing manner that during the prophet’s pilgrimage to holy Medina, he noticed the Jews performing the fasting of Ashura’; soon after, he conducted an inquiry on it and told the above mentioned Hadîth. The Messenger breathed his last in the same year. Even though, here is raised apparently three doubts.
Doubt -1:-the holy pilgrimage took place in ‘Rabee ul avval’. The Messenger set out from the holy Makkah on the out set of Rabee ul avval and arrived at holy Madina on its tenth day. Then how this month might be Muharram, if they (Jews) did fasting on that day?

Solution:- the above noted Hadîth doesn’t mean that he saw Jews fasting on the day of his arrival at holy Madina and he ordered his Companions to do so. But the Hadîth means only that after the ten months of his arrival at holy Madina, he saw Jews doing so and sought about it.
Doubt 2: Is it being supposed that the Messenger of Allah made out the virtue of Ashura’ from the Jews?
Solution: Never, in fact, the Messenger (PBH) already understood the prominence of Ashura and began to perform fasting on the day at holy Makkah itself. It can be understood from Aysha’s (May Allah Please on her) report clearly. In holy Madina, Jews were a major community while Muslims were minority in their strength. In such a situation, the Messenger (PBH) inquired their performance on the tenth day of Muharram only to seem them the Muslims consider the day they saw as virtuous. Hence, the Messenger (PBH) and his companions (with Jews) performed fasting on this day.
Doubt 3: The Messenger was 53 year old during his pilgrimage to holy Madina. We mentioned before that the messenger (PBH) told: “If I will remain on the coming year, I must perform fasting on it’s ninth day” but he breathed his last on the same year. If so, the prophet’s demise seems to take place on the age of 53.
Solution: It was not on the first year of Hijra that the Messenger (PBH) commended so. In the second year of Hijra, as we noted in above mentioned solution, the Messenger’s command was only to perform fasting with Jews on the tenth day of Muharram. It was only to show solidarity and confirm brotherhood with them. In this situation, the Messenger (PBH) didn’t commend to perform fasting on its 9th day to differ from Jews.
The Messenger (PBH) and his Companions kept their pace on the same situation for eight years. But mean while, some Jewish tribes like Banu-qainuqah’, Banu quraidha and Banu-nnadîr used to betray the Messenger, hurt him and move against Muslims with the idol worshipers of Makkah. Above all, even miner battles took place between the Jews and Muslims. Eventually, due to solidarity faced the failure, the Messenger (PBH), in his 63rd age after the victory of holy Makkah, proclaimed: “You should differ from Jews in every aspect. If you want to take fasting on the tenth day of Muharram, you might do so before and after days of that day. (It is a glimpse of the Hadîth narrated by Imam Ahmed, Sharwani: 3/456). It was in the same year, the Messenger (PBH) told: “If I will remain on the coming year, I shall perform fasting in the 9th day of Muharram. But he breathed his last before the completion of the year. These all have clearly been explained in Fathhul Bari of Imam Ibnu-Hajar Al Asqalani(4/198-200) and Sharahu Muslim by Imam Navavi (1/359). The words on Jews betraying and hurting can be found in the book ‘Thareekh Muhammad Rasoolullah’ (152-154, 181-183, 212-215, and 235-237).

  Read more  
bullet A Glance into the Hijri calendar and New Year  
bullet Muharram: Holy month of Allah the Most High  
bullet The astonishing events on the tenth day of Muharram  
bullet The special deeds in Ashura’  
bullet The Glory of Ninth and Eleventh days of Muharram