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The Saints of Allah



Many persons, who attained spiritual highness by assigning their life only for worshiping Almighty Allah, have lived in this world. They are called Saints. Allah will appoint them in every corner of the world, according to the demand of time. Their obligation is to lead societies to spiritual renaissance. They are the blessed slaves of Allah the Almighty.

Saints are the luminous personalities who complied with Allah and protected by him from instinctual fickleness. Therefore, they can show supernatural power. This power is called Karamath. As far as a Saint is concerned, showing Karamath is not a necessity. To express not the  Karamath is not a defect for him. Karamath is supernatural phenomena as like the Mu’ajizath. They have their own spiritual meaning and entity.

The basement of superhuman power obtained by Saints is spirituality. The position of Saints cannot be ascertained by materialistic measurements. The Saints are most blessed after Prophets and his Companions. Submission in the way of Allah is the method to perceive this exalted position.

Saints renounce worldly pleasures. They fight with physical longings and attain sublime positions near by Almighty Allah by continuous devotion. They are free from fears as Qur’an explained. They are super natural powers control the world by the help of Allah. The history of Saints vindicate that Allah’s generosity incarnates to his blessed people.

Saints do not necessitate to physical security. They can travel anywhere in the world easily and can appear everywhere in different forms and conditions. In all these times, they are strengthened by their deep relationships with Allah. On the other hand, those who prefer materialistic style of life are very unfortunate people in society. They have been surrendered by instinctual weaknesses. When we compare materialists with Saints, we do understand the sublime position that Saints attained.

The blessed people of Allah lead very cautious life [The life routed in thaqwa]. Life under the rules of Islam is the way to the sublime position of Saints [Wilayath]. There is an invulnerable relationship between the cautiousness [Taqwa] and the sublime position [Wilayath]. Qur’an and Hadith enlighten to this fact. Qur’an says: None can be its guardians except Al Muttaqun (the pious), but most of them know not. [8:34 Surat Anfal].

Prophet said: The Saints of Allah perpetuate five times compulsory prayers, perform fasting wishing rewards and understanding it an obligation, give alms [Zakath] in accordance with its estimation and renounce every action prohibited by Allah.

There are a number of people, who spread the misunderstandings on Saints. In fact, they do all these understanding not the fact and deny their sublime personality sanctioned by Thaqwa.

Prophet said: “If Allah would love his servant He would call Archangel Gabriel and tell him “I love this person, therefore love him.” And Jibraeel would love him and call out in the heavens “Allah loves this person, therefore love him.” And the inhabitants of the heavens would love him. Then he would be embraced by the people of this world…. (Muslim). Saints are protected by Allah for they lead very sacred life. Those who made strong spiritual bond with them are very fortunate people forever.

The BIS Hallmarked Gold

“If Allah would love his servant He would call Archangel Gabriel and tell him “I love this person, therefore love him.” And Jibraeel would love him and call out in the heavens “Allah loves this person, therefore love him.” And the inhabitants of the heavens would love him. Then he would be embraced by the people of this world…. (Muslim).

In this Hadith, the exalted position, which can be achieved through worship, was referred. Qur’an says: Verily we respected the children of Adam. In accordance with this verse, human beings can attain the great positions that even angels cannot do. Because, the nature of angels does not prompt them to commit sins. Emotions of men encourage him to retreat from the way of Allah. The Hell is covered by the desires of human beings and the Paradise by undesirable matters. So to win Paradise, human beings necessitate to a struggle with his passions. If he overcomes his passion, he might win Paradise. However, throughout his life he may suffer with his emotions. So the success which a man win by his continuous struggle with his emotions will be very luminous as like the refined gold. Our belief is refined and of angels is natural. The greatness of humankind is based upon it.

Allah desires everyone who has deep routed belief in him. Similarly, his blessed people will respect what he respected and exempt what he exempted. Angels, Good Demons [Jinn], Human beings etc….love the blessed people of Allah. They get recognition in the world. Everybody fears those who lead a dedicated life in the way of Allah.

When Allah prefers some one, He will fulfill his desires. Many super natural matters will be manifested through them. The miracles appearing through them are by Allah. Thus, Allah will bestow him with blessings beyond the measure.

Prophet (PBH) had been performing the prayers standing towards the direction of Kaaba while he was in holy Makkah. Due to some precautionary matters, he performed prayers later in holy Madina for only 16 months standing towards Baithul Maqdis. However, when Prophet (PBH) wished to turn towards the holy Kaaba, Allah fulfilled his desire. Qur’an consolidated Prophet (PBH): “We turn thou to your desired direction”.

Allah revealed many Quranic verses considering the desires and views of Companions of Prophet (PBH).

in a famous Hadith Qudsi, Allah says: "Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him."

This Hadith means that the devotee will get Devine protection and assistance when he surrenders for Allah. Mu’ajizaths and Karamaths are manifested so. The Devine miracles, like making the dead alive, treating the diseased and bedridden and bringing materials from distant areas, can be seen in the verses of holy Qur’an.

The ability given by Allah to his creations is beyond limits and estimations. This should not be divided into material and non-material. If we achieve the love of Allah that means we have close connection with him. Abu Huraira (May Allah please with him) reported to have said: The Prophet (PBH) said: Allah says: I am in accordance with the thoughts of My slave about Me; and I am with him, when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in his heart, I also remember him. If he remembers Me in a group, I remember him in a better group (i.e. angels). If he draws near Me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by a cubit. If he draws near Me by a cubit, I draw near him by the space covered by two hands. If he walks towards Me, I hurry to him (Bukhari and Muslim).



  Read more  
bullet Birth and Childhood  
bullet A glance to the life of Sheikh Rifâi (R)  
bullet Baghdad through centuries  
bullet Karamath [Godly miracles appears from saints]  
bullet The Saints of Allah  
bullet In Pursuit of Qadhi Muhammad’s foot steps