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Polygamy of Prophet (PBH)

  img_article Jewish and Zionist lobbies who criticize Islam and its Prophet for everything and anything awfully made Prophet's polygamy a topic of festivity. They complain about the 'irony' that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) married twelve ladies whereas Muslims are permitted to have only four. It is the same hands behind the accusation of having cast system in Islam worked behind it, too. We can now go through the marriages of our Prophet (PBH).
The first marriage of the Prophet(PBH) took place at the age 25. The bride, had been 15 years senior to Prophet. 40 years old Khadeeja (May Allah Mercy upon her) was a businesswoman there. She, taking into account the Prophet's honesty and personal dignity, made him first her manager. As the business progressed she took him,
too, in the partnership. Thus the two were married. Except the Prophet's son Ibrahim, all children were born to her. Even though polygamy was common among Arabs, the Prophet (PBH) did not marry others until the death of Khadeeja (R). She died when the Prophet (PBH) was of 50 years old. The Prophets married life was completely satisfactory. She joined totally in the happiness and grievances of the Messenger. Consoled him in the critical juncture. Until her death in the age of 65 she took part in every problems of Prophet (PBH). She was the first woman, who accepted Islam. Her departure pained the our Prophet (PBH) at the most.

Second wife Soudha (R) was an old widow. Formerly, she was the wife of the companion of the Prophet (PBH). She had been fled to Abyssinia with him. Amid traveling back her husband died on the way and she became lonely. The followers were requested by Prophet (PBH) to give her protection. One day coming to the presence of Prophet she wooed fearfully and kind hearted Prophet (PBH) made her his wife.

Third wife, Aysha (R) was the daughter of Abubacker (R), who longed to come into close contact with the Prophet, desired to give him his girl marriage to the Prophet (PBH). She received the Prophet with her dolls in hands. Even after the marriage she stayed long in her father's house. After the death of Khadeeja (R), it was his wife Aysha (R) who was always in assistance to him. She could able to dedicate a lot of donation to Islam. The Prophet had many a time oracle her room her room. After the death of our Prophet (PBH) she had lived for thirty years.

Hafsa (R), the widow of Khunais, martyr of the battle of 'Bad'r' was the fourth wife. He married her in the 3rd of Hijra (AD 624). In the same year he married another widow of 'Uhd martyr' Abdullah Bin Jahsh. named Ummul Masakeen Zainab. She was full of brimmed pot of generosity.

Fifth wife was Zainab, the daughter of Prophet's aunt Umaiba. He intended his adopted son Zaid (R) to marry Zainab, but she and her family did not accept it. And they compelled the bridegroom to be the Prophet himself. The Prophet (PBH) also stubborn in his desire. At last yielded to the Prophet's desire Zaid, (R) married

Another wife Ummu Salama was a widow of having four children. His follower, Her husband, one of the companion of Rasul(PBH) died for Islam. Hence the Prophet took the entire protection of the family. After the death of the Prophet PBUH), Ummu Salama (R) lived a long period.

In the battle of Banu Muzddalique held at AD 626, many enemies were captured, among them included the head of tribe Haris and his daughter Juvairiya, whose husband died in that battle. Haris requested the Prophet to marry his widowed daughter. With effect this marriage all the tribes freed and embraced Islam.

The Prophet (PBUH) married Ummu Habeeba, the daughter of Abu-Sufyan. In the early years, though he was a strong enemy of Prophet, his daughter and her husband were Muslims. But during his travel to Abseenya, he embraced Christianity and died soon. Therefore the Prophet married Ummu-Habeeba in AD 628.

Safiya a daughter of Jew, who was killed in the battle of Khaibar was also married by the Prophet (PBUH). Due to this marriage also, most of the tribes of this Jew came to Islam.

The Egyptian king Muquoquis dispatched the slave Mariyyathul-Qibthiyya as a mark of presentation to the Prophet (PBH). The son Ibrahim was born from this lady. The Prophet also married Maimoona (R), who was also a widow. Except Khadeja (R) and Zainab(R), all others lived after the death of holly Prophet (PBH).

Those who make fun of the Prophet's wedding life are shutting their eyes towards the facts. It is as clear as day light that the Prophet (PBH) was completely different from the Arabs who saw wine, women and fighting as their weakness. He was never a war thirst; nor tasted alcohols and nor gone behind women. Before getting married at the age of 25, he did not dispose of his purity. The Prophet's each movement of life were recorded. Until the death of Khadeeja (R), it is clear that he had not married another woman. It means that his life up to 50, the ages of full brimmed youthful days in which all Arabs were indulged in despicable passion, the holy Prophet (PBH) was not influenced by such infirmities. After 50 years of old the acceptance of more wives was not on account of insatiable passion is very obvious.

Arabian bourgeois offered women very often to attain their coveted goal. When the Prophet (PBH) appeared with his massage in order to influence him they offered to arrange for him any woman he wished. But he threw out their offer without least consideration. That time in the case of sexual gratification there was no restriction to the Prophet in Arabia. Yet he led a holly-life. Even if Islam granted polygamy, he was monogamous up to the age of 50; that too with Khadeeja (R), a widow 15 years senior than him. Earlier the ancestral Prophets were also polygamous. Prophet Sulaiman (PBH) had several wives, Easa(PBH) had not wives. Initially, there was no restriction to the Prophet (PBH) in having several wives. There had not the habit of marrying widows at that time. Changing this rule, he took into account the protection of them. This was what he did. He married widows and promoted others to do it.

The marriage with Zainab caused a lot of problems. The decision was that to arrange marriage with Zaid (R) and his niece. Due to the nobility of Zainab's family, the bride became a matter of obstacle, the Prophet (PBH) forced the Aunt to give Zainab in marriage to Zaid. It would be helpful to overcome the fabricated allegation against Prophet (PBH) that Prophet has an eye on Zainab. Enemies had weaved the fable that the Prophet had seen Zainab without veil and wanted to marry her and therefore he forced Zaid to divorce her. In fact the Prophet (PBH) had been seeing Zainab since her child hood. Many times the aunt tried his level best to have the Prophet marry her daughter. Yet, he persisted to conduct the marriage between Zaid and Zainab. After their separation, due to the stalemate in their relation, all were including Zaid demanding the Prophet to marry her.

It was in context of which they regarded wives mere as an object of pleasure and treated them as slaver, the Prophet brought the wedding life into prosperity (to be governed) by making wife as a partner/mate (Zaujath). He declared that wife is not to be governed and convinced that one who treats his wife very well is noble. He could keep equality among all his wives maintaining equal justice among them.

For husbands, in Arabian society, hadn't the habit of protecting their wives. They made woman their wife for the enjoyments of beauty and means of their infatuation. They got protection only from the part of their sons for being their mother. Arabs, who accepted wives at abundance on their wish, took to importance the beauty and enjoyments. The Prophet stopped this uncontrollable acceptance and the protection of wives entrusted upon the husbands. At the particular context of that age the Prophet wedded more wives on giving prominence to their protection. That is why widows were being made wives. But the followers were allowed to have only up to 4 also and he advised that the monogamy is rather good. For; through Khadeeja (R), he laid stress importantly on their model in their life. His life shows that in a particular context only polygamy may be permitted. The first bond is intended completely marital interest. The marriages after the first were mainly for other interest. If the bonds give any good to Islam or the lady it will admissible to; in case of being able to retain justice among them. That is what the Prophet's life teaches.

During the period of Madeena, many battles had been fought to the security of Muslims, which claimed more men's lives. Therefore, he married some of the dearest colleagues, widow for their protection. The marriage with some ladies accelerated the growth of Islam; for instance, the marriage with Juvairiyya closed another opportunity of war with Banu-Musthaliq.

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bullet The Messenger of Almighty : Owner of an arresting personality  
bullet The Messenger : The protected from all stains  
bullet The Mission of Prophet (PBUH)  
bullet Prophet Mohammad (PBH) as a general  
bullet Prophet Muhammad (PBH) as a Social reformer  
bullet Prophet Muhammad (PBH) as an administrator  
bullet The Excellent Character  
bullet The Messengers  
bullet Prophets and their Infallibility