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Prophet Muhammad (PBH) as an administrator

  img_article Administration is an art. That would get good form only when the heart and eyes are cautious. Detachment and stalemate are undesirable to the administrating field, it may spread anarchy in the state. Instances can be seen in India. The state of irresponsibility, even if the state would turn upside down indicates stalemate in administration.He should be able to overcome the complicated problems. They are to be stopped before happening. Sharp wit and foresight need to it. In certain cases treaties may be signed with other nations or important personalities. He must bear in mind that his signature may cause to happen a wide-spread impact on the nation and the agreement is intended for the whole people. To the mistakes occurred in this kind of agreement or treaty the nation has to give heavy price. The GATT agreement in India is an example. Administrators should be able to suppress the internal  
uprising. That should not be in the way of killing the mutineers. The straight-forward way is to be convinced to them. He will have to reveal the psychological tactics to relate them in to the principal path. It is not mutiny but the mutineers that die through the barrels of gun.

Administrators should not have illegal earnings. Be it on the son's or so-in-law's name, which too is illegal. He would be able to satisfy with the things that he had. Haughtiness is not good symptom of a good administrator. Modesty and humility are desirable to him. He should be kind hearted and generous. All these qualities assembled in our beloved Prophet (PBH) in its complete sense.

Hudaibiyya treaty is famous in the history of Islam. Apparently the provisions of the agreement was seemed to be a loss to Muslim. To go back the Muslims who headed for Umrah; to send back those who came to Madeena Munawwara from Makkah Mukarrama being Muslims. Not to give back those who reach Makkah from Madeena; and so on…. The Prophet (PBH) signed the agreement. It was this agreement that helped Muslim to capture Makkah Mukarrama through the bloodless revolution. The 'Hudaibiyya treaty' alone obviously reveals the strategy and skill of our Prophet (PBH).

  Read more  
bullet The Messenger of Almighty : Owner of an arresting personality  
bullet The Messenger : The protected from all stains  
bullet The Mission of Prophet (PBUH)  
bullet Prophet Mohammad (PBH) as a general  
bullet Prophet Muhammad (PBH) as a Social reformer  
bullet The Excellent Character  
bullet The Messengers  
bullet Polygamy of Prophet (PBH)  
bullet Prophets and their Infallibility