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The day of repentance

The Caliph Ali bin Abi Thalib (May Allah pleased with him) says: Once, a man came to the Messenger (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) and asked him “would you suggest me a day on which I can take fasting after the month, Ramadan?” The Messenger (PBH) replied: “Do the fasting on Muharram which is the month of Allah. There is a day among the days of Muharram on which the Almighty may welcome the sinner who repents as well as He accepted the repentance of our forefathers on this day” (Thurmudi). The day mentioned in the above Hadith is Ashura. That is why the Messenger (PBH) suggested the man to do fasting in Muharram (Ghayathul Ma’mool, the Hadith interpretation : 2/88).
The acceptance of repentance is one of the most relevant peculiarities of Ashura. As for the Prophets, it is impossible to commit sins in their life time. But it can be seen in the Holy Qur’an that some of them raised their hands to the Almighty rolling down the tears for the sake of expressing anxiety on their doings. Beyond the shadow of any doubt, they did all these only for showing their affectionate veneration and the sincere devotion to the Lord. It was on the tenth day of Muharram, Allah the Most High gave the satisfying answer to the Prophets Aadam, Davood and Yonus (Blessing of Allah be upon them) and He disclosed their sincerity and innocence before the world. Imam Abu Qathada (May Allah pleased with him) says: When he was asked about the Ashura, the Messenger (PBH) replied: “ It will erase the sins which one committed in a year”(Muslim).
It is a great blessing that the sins of a year can be forgiven by the God with a single day’s fasting. From the age of Aadam (Blessing of Allah be upon him) to the present age, the Almighty has been accepting the repentance of sinners on this day. The scholars has elaborately discussed on which kinds of sin that can be forgiven on the day ?. Imam Ibnul Mundir and Imam Al Qadhi Abul –Ma’ali (May Allah Mercy upon them), have expressed a weak opinion that the great sins might also be forgiven as like as the small one (Qalyubi 2/73). But the reliable opinion of Imam Ibnu Hajar Al–Haithami, Imam Al Haramaini and so on (May Allah Mercy upon them) is that the small sins might only be forgiven. The unanimous discussion of Ahlussunnah is that the small sins can be forgiven without any repentance by the virtuous deeds, but the great sins need the genuine repentance. Hence, the above noted opinion of Ibn Al–Mundir and Abul–Ma’ali (May Allah Mercy upon them) must have to be rejected (Thuhfa and Sharwani : 3/453-454, Fathhul Mueen : 202-203).

The mourning is prohibited
It is certainly sure that the great sins might be forgiven in connection with the deeds, the reward of which is salvation from great sins. But the God can forgive any sins whoever He wishes. Hence, concerning His kindness, let us hope that He may erase all sins as reward of some deeds (Kurdhi: 2/199, Sharwani 3/454). The Almighty will give great positions to one who does not have any small sins and He will provide him with the chance to live without committing even small sins (Thuhfa :3/454).

These all are the matters of sins committing against the Lord Allah. If any one have any sort of liabilities on his fellow beings, then he should repay it or seek the forgiveness from them. The virtuous deeds like the Ashura fasting, can not be a substitute for forgiving the human liabilities (Fathhul Mueen 202).
  Read more  
bullet A Glance into the Hijri calendar and New Year  
bullet Muharram: Holy month of Allah the Most High  
bullet The astonishing events on the tenth day of Muharram  
bullet The special deeds in Ashura’  
bullet The notable solutions for some doubts