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The School Trip

Nihal was getting ready to go for his school trip. He woke up early, took his bath and performs prayer.

He wore his best clothes. Nihal looked at his new cap his dad had bought him and said, Alhamdulillah.  He put on the new cap and looked at himself in the mirror. It fitted very well.
Nihal was very excited about his trip to the science center.
As he was coming down the stairs he slipped and fell. He screamed in pain. His mum and dad ran to him to help him. As he tried to get up there was a sharp pain.

As his dad carried him to the sofa he said, "Alhamdu lillah "  (All praise be to Allah).

His mother came and sat next to him and said, "Alhamdu lillah."

She then put her hand on his ankle and said, "Bismillah," three times.

She then said, "'A'udubillahi Waqudrathihi min sharri ma 'ajidu wa'uvaaziru]." seven times.

I take refuge in Allah and within his omnipotence from the evil that I feel and am wary of [Muslim 4/1728].

Dad checked his ankle to see if it was broken or not. Dad said, "Alhamdulillah. You have only sprained your ankle."

 Mum moved closer and gently massaged his leg.

Nihal was sobbing as he said, "I will be late for my trip." Nihal tried to get up but fell back on the sofa with pain.

Mum said, "Nihal I don't thing you can go for your trip. You cannot walk." On hearing this Nihal started sobbing even more loudly.

Nihal insisted he wanted to go and tried to get up again. Again he felt the pain and fell back on the sofa.

Nihal felt disappointed and hurt.

Dad looked at Nihal's sad face and decided to help him understand the situation by telling him a story.

"Nihal," dad said in very gentle voice. "I am going to tell you a story."

Once there was a very pious person. As he was leaving his house one morning, he stuck his head against the doorframe.

The pain was so bad that he had to lie down. He immediately said, "Alhamdu lillahi ala kulli haal" (All praise be to Allah in every condition).

 Why did he say "Alhamdulillah". He praised Allah even when he was in distress or difficulty as he knew that in everything good or bad that Allah brings there is wisdom and good for his servants.

As the man was lying down, his friends came and told him that it was a good thing he did not go out. On the road that he normally used to use, a group of bad people were waiting to kill him.

So now the man could clearly see that his being hurt a little and not being able to go out had in fact saved him from death by the bad people.

We can only see the bad thing that has happened to us but we cannot see the good as it is hidden.

Dad looked at Nihal and said, "So you see my son, in everything bad that happens to us we must believe that there is some goodness in it".

Dad continued in a comforting voice, "Your falling down is preventing you from going for your trip. There is some good in it that you cannot see in your not going today. Allah is the one who decided to let this happen and you must believe there is goodness in it for you, even though you cannot see it".

"Nihal every distress should bring you closer to Allaah SWT." explained Dad.

Nihal now realized and accepted what Allaah SWT had brought for him and said, "Alhamdu lillahi ala kulli haal." (All praise be to Allah in every condition).

Mum told Nihal: Rasulullah said: If a Muslim is pricked by (as little as) a thorn in the wordly life, and he seeks its reward from Allah, some of his sins will be removed, because of it, on the Day of Judgement [Bukhari].

"So the pain you feel will help to remove some of your sins on the Day of Judgement."                                 
  Read more  
bullet Thoughts of a little girl  
bullet A little Muslim Boy  
bullet Happy Junaid  
bullet Wishes to Allah  
bullet A Poor Muslim Boy  
bullet A Trip to The Park.  
bullet Allah's Beautiful Gift  
bullet Baking Cookies  
bullet Building a House.  
bullet A Story of David.  
bullet Nabil's White Shoes.  
bullet The Bees.  
bullet The Bitter Harvest  
bullet The Butterfly  
bullet The Elegant Hijab.  
bullet The Mad Fence.  
bullet Prophet Ayyub ( May Allah Mercy upon him).  
bullet A Wise Muslim Boy  
bullet Bitter Fruits Becomes Sweet  
bullet Prayer and players.  
bullet Remembrance Of Allah.  
bullet The Girl With Bad Temper.  
bullet A wooden bowl for Grandpa.  
bullet A Muslim Boy