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Stoning Jimar and Staying Mina

  img_article The 10th day of Dulhijja is the busiest day of the pilgrim. Stoning the Big Jamrah, slaughtering animal if any, removing or cutting head hair, Thawaf al - ifada respectively are the rites to be offered on feast eve. The above mentioned order is only recommended, not obligatory.

Stoning at the Jimar
Throwing 7 pebbles at the Jimar is one of the obligatory rites of Hajj. It is a symbolic act representing the opposition to the devil's desire that wants to make people plunge into sins.
The jimar (plural of jamrah) are three:
(1) The first (the small one) which comes next to the Al - Khaif Mosque (a Mosque in Mina).
(2) The middle one (Jamrathul Wustha).
(3) The big one (jamrat-al-aqaba). It is situated at the entrance of Mina from the side of holy Makkah.

Two types of Stoning.

(1) Stoning at the Big Jamrah only, on the feast eve. Even though the time of this stoning would enter with the midnight of feast eve (10th Dulhijja) and lasts until the sunset of 13th Dulhijja, the most preferable time is from the sunrise of feast eve to the mid day and from mid day to sunset of the same day is the best time too. After stoning, the pilgrim would slaughter the animal if any and he would shave or shorten the head hair. It is better to finish Thawaful al - Ifada, which is one of the pillars of Hajj, in the same day and return to Mina before mid day. When the pilgrim fulfilled any of the two from the above mentioned three rites (stoning, removing hair and Thawaful Ifada) he would release from all the restrictions of Ihram except sexual intercourse and giving hand in marriage and when he fulfilled all the above three rites he would release and free from all restrictions of Ihram.

(2) Stoning at all of three Jimar named (I) Small Jamrah, (II) Middle Jamrah and (III) Big Jamrah respectively after the sun passes its zenith (noontime), on 11th , 12th and 13th of Dul hijja. Each day the pilgrim must stone each of the three pillars, using seven pebbles for each pillar, as he did previously with the Jamrat-ul-Aqabah. However if he would depart from Mina before the sunset of 12th Dulhijja, he would relieve from the Stoning and Staying of 13th Dulhijja. Allah said: "Remember Allah during the appointed days (i.e. Ayyaam at-Tashreeq) and whoever hastens to leave in two days, there is no sin on him. And whoever remains (until the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah), there is no sin on him, providing that his intention was to be dutiful to Allah (and to do good)" [Al-Baqarah: 203].

The pilgrim must start at first with the stoning of the "small pillar", secondly the "middle pillar" and lastly, the "big pillar." Also he must not start stoning of any day until he finishes the stoning of the previous day. After completing the throwing of seven pebbles at the First Pillar, stop and make du'a for what you wish before leaving for the next pillar. Do the same before leaving the second pillar and leave without making any supplication at the third Pillar.

The conditions of Stoning at Jimar:
(1) Assuring seven pebbles.
(2) Throwing one by one. It is invalid to throw all pebbles together or keeping the stones together of one by one in the circle without throwing.
(3) Reaching at the specified place. The inside of small circle around the pillar is the specified place. The pillar or the wall is not a throwing point.

Staying at Mina

Staying three nights after Eid (11th, 12th and 13th of Dul Hijja) at Mina is an obligatory duty of the pilgrim. The days at Mina are for eating, drinking, and for making remembrance of Allah. He must stay there each day more than half of the night. However if the pilgrim would depart from Mina before the sunset of 12th Dulhijja, he would relieve from the staying and stoning of the 13th Dulhijja.


Tawaf-al-wada' is the last Thawaf that should be performed before leaving the holy city of Makkah and after he finished all of his needs. The people of holy Makkah and those who live in holy Makkah are not requested to perform Thawaf-al-wada' The Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered: "one should not leave holy Makkah for the last time except after performing a final Thawaf of the Sacred House." This is the last rite to be performed at the Sacred House.
  Read more  
bullet The benefits of Hajj  
bullet The conditions of Hajj and Umrah  
bullet Etiquette and types of Ihram.  
bullet The places of Ihram (Miqath).  
bullet Circumambulation around the Ka'aba (Thawaf).  
bullet Walking in between Safa and Marwa (Sa'e).  
bullet Staying at Arafath and Muzdalifa.  
bullet Women and Menstruation during Hajj.  
bullet Visiting Madina Munawwara  
bullet The significance of Madina Munawwara  
bullet Al Masjid al - Nabawi  
bullet The tree garden of Paradise (Jannathul Baqi')  
bullet The most virtous Visiting Centers in holy Madina