Visiting Madina Munawwara                            Al Masjid al - Nabawi                              Women and Menstruation during Hajj.
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Etiquette and types of Ihram

  img_article It is desirable upon the pilgrim before Ihram the following:-trimming his moustache, cutting short his hair, clipping his finger nails, take a bath with the intention of Ihram, using perfume only in the body, wearing two new and neat white cloths. After offering a two rak'ah of voluntary prayer for Ihram, he should supplicate to Almighty for showering the blessings of here and hereafter. When he is restarting the journey to holy Makkah, he should declare his intention to perform Hajj, or 'Umrah. The intention is an essential part of Hajj and Umrah. As soon as he enters the state of ihram, it is preferable upon the pilgrim to utter Talbiyah loudly until starting to throw the stone at Jamrah Aqabah after the midnight of Dulhijja 10.  
Prohibitions of Ihram
While in a state of ihram, a person must avoid sexual intercourse and all things that lead to it. He must avoid getting married or joining others in marriage. A 'Muhrim' (one who entered in Hajj or Umrah) must not wear any sewn clothes or shoes that cover his finger or ankle. He must not cover his head, nor use any perfume, nor remove any of his hair or clip nails, nor engage in hunting, nor cut trees or grass within the sacred precincts of Haram. Doing these prohibited actions is sinful and it will seriously affect the fully acceptance of Hajj or Umrah, in addition to the penalty (fidya).

Three types of Ihram
The Ihram for 'Hajj' is divided into three.
(1) Bearing one's intention (Niyyath) exclusively for 'Hajj' Pilgrimage. 'Umrah' has not been added together. This type of Ihram is called 'Ifrad' and its' performer is named as 'Mufrid'.
(2) Bearing one's intention for both of them from the very beginning and doing all rituals like Thawaf and sai'e one time. It is called 'Qiran' and one who performs this type of Ihram is termed as 'Qarin'.
(3) Bearing one's intention (Niyyath) exclusively for 'Umrah' and performing the rites of Umrah. On the 8th of Dulhijja he is again assuming Ihram for Hajj in holy Makkah from his door step of his home. This type of Hajj is named as 'Thamathu' and its performer is called as 'Muthamathe'. A 'Hajj' pilgrim has the freedom to choose anyone of these three types but 'Ifrad is pre-eminent among them. In both 'Qiran' and Thamathu', the pilgrim has to slaughter an animal as sacrifice.
  Read more  
bullet The benefits of Hajj  
bullet The conditions of Hajj and Umrah  
bullet The places of Ihram (Miqath).  
bullet Circumambulation around the Ka'aba (Thawaf).  
bullet Walking in between Safa and Marwa (Sa'e).  
bullet Staying at Arafath and Muzdalifa.  
bullet Stoning Jimar and Staying Mina.  
bullet Women and Menstruation during Hajj.  
bullet Visiting Madina Munawwara  
bullet The significance of Madina Munawwara  
bullet Al Masjid al - Nabawi  
bullet The tree garden of Paradise (Jannathul Baqi')  
bullet The most virtous Visiting Centers in holy Madina