Visiting Madina Munawwara                            Al Masjid al - Nabawi                              Women and Menstruation during Hajj.
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Fatawa (According to Shafi School of Jurisprudence)

Question 15
Is it permissible for a female student of knowledge to recite Qur'an during her period?
The position of Shafi school is that it is prohibited for a menstruating woman and someone in post-sexual impurity (Arabic. janaba) to recite Qur'an with the intention of reciting it. It is permissible for them to recite Qur'an without the above intention; such as if they merely intend the remembrance of Allah (Arabic. dhikr), protection from the Devil, or the like. Even if a person in post-sexual impurity or menstruation, reciting the entire Qur'an would be permissible for them without the intention of reciting the Qur'an (Mughni, 1/72). So when a menstruating woman needs to recite the Qur'an, she should read it without the intention of studying Qur'an, such as, for example, by intending protection from evil or the like. This is legal according to our imams.
It is also prohibited for a menstruating woman and someone in post-sexual impurity to touch or carry the Qur'an. However, it is permissible for them to carry a Qur'an with tafsir intermixed with the verses or in the margins if the number of words of the tafsir is more than the words of the Qur'an. The Maliki school permits a menstruating woman to touch the Qur'an if she is a teacher or student, as is mentioned in their reliable books. Allah know the best.