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Family life in Islam


Islam holds that the real empowerment of woman is possible only through recognizing her balancing role and through utilizing appropriately her ability for the betterment of the whole society without damaging its moral and social fabric. Islam suggests an ideal combination of freedom and security that women should seek and which is in the best interest of society.
While there is presently prevalent rethinking on the role and status of women, it would be most appropriate to consider, without any partiality or prejudice, the Islamic point of view which has brought about the formation of healthy, happy and stable societies in vast areas of the world in the last fourteen centuries.
This issue is fore grounded in the role and status assigned to family in the Islamic scheme of things.


It is the basis of the entire socio- cultural structure and a self-sustaining mechanism to ensure social, ideological and cultural stability.

The sexual urge is a natural and creative urge, considered holy in Islam. This urge in humans lacks any built-in physiological control mechanism. But control and regulation are essential for a healthy existence, even at a biological level. they become more important at the social and cultural levels. Family ties provide that control.

Islam forbids non-martial sex. But it enjoins marriage to enable men and women to fulfill their natural urges, to enjoy this aspect of life in such a way that pleasure and responsibility go hand in hand. Sex through marriage alone provides the control mechanism for the sexual urge. It also acts as safety-value for sexual morality. Through it, fulfillment and sublimation are achieved in a balanced way. The Qur'an call marriage a 'Hisn' a 'castle' i.e. its a protection against a life of wickedness.

Another objective of a family life is to attain physiological, emotional and spiritual companionship. The relationship in the family, between all its members, and most important of all, between husband and wife, it is merely not a utilitarian value. It is of a spiritual value and sustains and generates selflessness love, kindness, mercy, compassion, mutual confidence, self-sacrifice, solace and succor. The best in human nature expresses the family that what is spiritually potential in men and women becomes real and sets the pace of the blossoming of goodness and virtue within the family and outside it. In marriage companion ship, each partner enjoys ever- increasing fulfillment. With children in family, the values of fellow- feeling, of love and compassion, of sacrifice for others, of tolerance and kindness are translated into reality and implanted in character. Its the family that provides the most congenial climate for the development and fulfillment of human personality. That is why the prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) has said that a happy home is one of the blessings of God. This function of marriage and family is emphasized in the Qur'an in a number of ways (WMY).

  Read more  
bullet Role of Women in Islam  
bullet Marriage: The prime step of a structured family system  
bullet Equal reward of men  
bullet Qualities in a Partner for Marriage  
bullet Secrets of Happy couples  
bullet Daughters Are Blessing