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The fundamentals of Islam

The angel Jibril (May Allah Mercy upon him) asked our prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) about the fundamentals of Iman. `Iman' is to have a heartfelt belief in six certain facts, i.e., to believe in Allah; to believe in his angels; to believe in his books; to believe in his prophets; to believe in the Last Day and to believe in his destiny.

(I) To Belief in Almighty Allah the most high
The first of the six of the fundamentals of 'Īman' is to believe in Allah the most high who is Wajibul Wujood (a must to have), and the Creator of all creatures and he deserves to be worshiped.


He creates everything without material, time or similarity out of nonexistence. He is the Creator, the Owner, and the Absolute Ruler of all creatures. He will annihilate everything in the universe one day. He owns every type of superiority and attribute of perfection. At the same time he has no defect or deficient attributes. He is omnipotent and he can do what he wills. He will resurrect everything in the hereafter world.

He has prepared the Paradise and the Hell. It would befit to his superiority and benevolence if he would admit the sinners into the paradise. So also it would come to his justice if he throws those who obey and worship him into hell. Anyhow, he declared that he would give Muslims who worship him paradise and grant them favours; and the eternal torture of hell to the pagans. He will forgive a person who had committed great sin and has died without repentance, if he wills; except polytheism and disbelief. He will torture him, if he wills for just a little sin. He emphasised that he would never forgive disbelievers and apostates (Islam is the first religion of all) and that he would torture them eternally.

It is possible to see Allah the most high with the eyes in this world, but no one has ever seen him. On the Day of Judgment disbelievers can see him in His wrath and Glory; the believers can see him in His kindness and Beauty, which is deprived of non-believers. Allah the most high said that he is not anything. In Qur'an there may be words like hands, foot, face, direction that are beyond our comprehension. Such word-included verses are called `muthashabih' and we cannot interpret them; for, our imaginations and concepts all are the creations of Allah; hence Allah should not be like any thing. Therefore such verses may be interpreted according to Him, i.e., hand may be interpreted as power or energy. The prophet(PBH) saw Allah during the Mi'raj (the journey of the prophet to the seventh sky and conversed with Allah at a night), but his seeing was not like the seeing in the world, as the journey to the seventh sky was not an ordinary one.

(II) To Believe in His Angels

The second of the six fundamentals of Îman is to believe in his angels, who are material but ethereal than the gaseous phase matter. They are luminous and spiritual; are alive and have reason. The evil doing tendency does not exist in them. They can take any shape. They are not the souls of great-departed men, as Christians believe. They are the first living creatures. They are not his partners, or daughters, as non - believers supposed to be. They are neither male nor female, and do not get married; nor beget or begotten. They are the obedient servants of Allah the most high only He knew their number. They worship Allah all the time. They carry out Allah's commands everywhere. They are many kinds and Allah has given them different duties. Some of them brought messages to the prophets; some writes the deeds of humans. Some angels have wings.

We must believe in all Angles of Allah and we should have the detailed knowledge about ten Angels among them. They are, Jibril (A) whose duty is to bring 'wahy' (the messages of God almighty Allah to the prophets; the second is Israfeel (A) whose duty is to sound trump called `sur'; which he performs twice; the third angel is Mikail (A), who is in charge of thunder and rain; the forth angel is Azrael (A) who takes the souls of human beings; the fifth and sixth angles are Munkar and Nakeer (A) who are questioning the deceased in the grave; the seventh and eighth angels are Raqeeb and Atheed (A) who are recording the all deeds of humans; the ninth angel is Ridvan (A) the leader of those belonging to paradise; the tenth angle is Malik (A) the leader of Hell. Zabanis, angels who watch Hell carry out in hell what they are ordered to; and there are nineteen angels and Malik (A) is their chief.

The angels (Raqeeb and Atheed) who record the good and bad actions of human beings sit on the shoulder; one on the right side and the other on the left. The one on the right side writes down the good deeds and the other bad actions. If the deceased is a righteous person, the two angels (`Munkar' and `Nakeer') who have the charge of questioning the deceased in the grave, will come to him in a pleasing manner otherwise in a frightening form.

(III) To Believe in the Books

The third of the six fundamentals of Iman is to believe in the books of Allah. These are the words of Allah the most high. These books have been revealed to prophets.

One hundred book-lets and four heavenly books were revealed to mankind. Ten of the book-lets were revealed to Adam (A); fifty to Shis (A); Thirty to Idrees (a); Ten to Ibrahim (a). And the books are Thorat in Ibrani language (to Moosa alaihi salam), The Zaboor in Yoonani language (Davood alaihi salm), Injil in Suriyani language (to Iisaa alaihi salam) and Qur'an in Arabic language to The Prophet Muhammad (PBH). But the people's interference corrupted and adulterated them all; only the Qur'an, which was revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad (PBH), survives before and after the ages without any interference.

The Qur'an replaced all the books and abolished the validity of their rules. There will never be any mistakes, additions, forgotten or missing points in Qur'an until the Last Day. All knowledge of the past, present and the future exists in Qur'an. This is why Qur'an becomes the superior, the greatest and valuable of all other books. And this is the greatest miracle (mu'ajizath) of The Prophet (PBH).

The Qur'anic verses and Hadiths are necessary to interpret in their literal meaning unless there is a risk or inconvenience. There are certain verses called muthashabihath, which are not intelligible; such 'verses' are not permissible to interpret. Only Allah and the blessed servants of Him know the meaning of such verses. It is the greatest literal text that nobody can prepare equal to it at any time and anywhere; Qur'an challenges to bring an equal any of the little verses of Qur'an. So far nobody could face this challenge. Allah the most high makes the enemies of Qur'an incapable and defeated before the holy Qur'an.

(IV) To Believe in His Prophets

The fourth of the six fundamentals of Iman is to believe in Allah's Prophets, who were sent to invite people into the right path. In Islam the Arabic `rasool' (the messenger of God almighty Allah) means noble, respectable person whose nature, character, knowledge and intellect are higher than those of all the people of his time, having no bad trait in his character; they did not commit any grave or small sins before and after they were blessed with `nubuvath'.

'Nubuvath' is not attained by working hard, undergoing hunger, abandoning comforts, praying too much, but by Allah's favour and selection. Allah the most high availed his Islam to the people through these prophets in order to make their affair useful in this or the other world; and to prevent them from bad acts and make them attain salvation, guidance, ease and happiness.

It is supposed that there were more than 1,24,000 prophets; and among them 313 or 315 were Rasools. And in them Adam (a), Nuh (a), Ibrahim (a), Moosa (a), Issaa (a), and Muhammad Musthafa (PBH)are known as Ulul Azm (six higher Prophets); and the Prophet Muhammad Musthafa (PBH)is the greatest of them all. Only twenty-eight out of Thirty three well-known prophets are named in the noble Qur'an. Ibrahim (a) was known as Khaleelullah, fore he loved no creature but Allah the most high in his heart; Moosa (a) is Kaleemullah, fore he spoke with Allah; Iisaa (a) is Kalimathullah, fore he did not have a father and born by the word (`be') of Allah the most high.

The prophet Muhammad (PBH)is the roof and crown of all the creations of Allah. He is habeeb (darling) of Allah. As per the invitation of Allah the most high the prophet with the companionship of Jibril (a) went on the nocturnal journey from Makah to Jerusalem and then to the seventh sky, but even Jibril could not go beyond the Sidrathul Munthaha. The first part of the journey (from Makah to Masjidul Aqsa) was on the back of Buraq, a heavenly white sexless animal not greater than an ass, but not smaller than a mule. The second part of the journey (from Masjidul Aqsa to the seventh sky) was on an unknown ladder named Mi'raj. He was received with warm welcome by the angels. At Sidrathul Munthaha he saw many of the wonderful facts: the blessings of Paradise ; the wonder of the beauty of Allah; the torture of the Hell. Beyond Sidrathul Munthaha he went ahead alone and went through Arsh and Kurs and reached a stage where he saw Allah the most high like He will be seen in the next world without time and space. He spoke with Allah the most high without letters and sounds. He glorified and praised him; and he was given innumerable gifts and honors: five ritual prayers are the most important among them, which is the second of the five fundamentals of Islam.

Even before the creation of the sky, the earth and the other planets Allah the most high created the soul of the prophet(PBH). He would not have created the world unless he intended to create his prophet (PBH). He is the prophet of all human beings and genies. 18000 world of beings received benefits from the ocean of his blessings. He is the prophet for angels, plants, animals and for every substance; while other prophets were sent to certain tribes and countries only.

At the day of the resurrection he will get up from his holy grave before everybody and will go to the place of the judgment. He will recommend, (which was known as Shafa'athul Hudma) to Allah the most high for all people, who are waiting for judgment under the burning sun next to their head. It is an occasion that nobody cares others. In short, his infinite encomium is beyond our description.

(V) To believe in the Last Day

The fifth of the six fundamentals of Îman is to believe in the Last Day. As mentioned above, Israfeel (A) who is in charge of the trump called 'Soor' will blow it twice. At the first blow all things will die or come to destruction. This is what is called The Last Day. There is no night or day after it. No one can or could estimate its time. Nevertheless our Prophet(PBH)pointed out many of its harbingers and precedents: Imaam Mahadi will come; Issaa (A) will descend from the sky to Damascus and preach the teachings of the Prophet (PBH); Dajjal who claims that he is Allah and people called Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will put the whole world in turmoil; the Sun will rise from the west; destructive earth quake will occur; religious knowledge will be forgotten; vice and evil will spread all over the world; irreligious, dishonest people will become leaders; fire will come out of Yaman.

At the second blow of Soor, all dead ones will be resurrected. All living creatures will gather at a place called Mahshara. After the recommendation of Rasoolullah the judgement will begin. The deed note of pious people will be given in their right hand and those of sinful in their left hand. Every action good, or evil, big or small, done secretly or openly will be there. There will be a Mizan different from those of we know for weighing deeds and conducts. Actions, words, thoughts and looks that are done in the corporal world will take shapes there. And good deeds in the bright figures and bad in the dark.

There will be a bridge called 'Swirath', which is built over the Hell. All will be ordered to cross it. Those who belong to Paradise will cross the bridge very easily and the other to Hell will fall from it. Paradise is situated above the seven heavens and Hell is beneath every thing.

(VI) To believe in the Destiny

The sixth fundamental of Îman is to believe in the destiny (qadr) i.e., all good and bad are from Allah. Everything happens according to his wishes.

With Islam and Îman the faith of Muslims will be perfected, and they will attain salvation and happiness. May Allah the most high protect us from the whispers of deceitful Satan. Allah the most high is the most merciful and the most generous.

  Read more  
bullet Faith: The Foundation of Nature Religion  
bullet Belief in Allah  
bullet Belief in Angels  
bullet The Belief of Crucifixion  
bullet The fundamentals of Islam  
bullet Does God Exist?  
bullet The Asylum of Destiny  
bullet The Philosophy of Emancipation