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Belief in Angels

Allah is the creator. He will create what ever he intends to create. He will make out of nothing. He does not need any effort or materials for this. 'His will' itself is enough to make conversions to his creatures. Earth quake is an example. He need not any help wholly or partially to shake the earth, One of his own creations. His will can save other kinds of creations or creatures from death to life. Even when the earth quakes happens. He has the right to lead all his creatures from existence to nothingness or destructions because it is He who has brought all the creations out of nothingness. Imagine a village has been wiped out of the map in an earth quake. But, we can't argue that the earth quake is something wrong from the part of the almighty. No villages had existed in the distant past.


It was he who called the village and its people into existence. Now the same power called them back into the previous stage of the nothingness. When a nation withdraws its representative (whom it has sent) from the UNO. Nobody cares. None complaints. Though the example is imperfect it is enough to provoke thought.

Even though he is able to create, convert his creations as he wishes, and to withdraw his creation from the existence with out any help from out side. He has entrusted some of the creations with the execution of his wills and intentions. 'Angels' are some of those who have been entrusted with such tasks. Though they are beyond our five senses. We have to admit/recognize and believe in their existence. Angels too were brought into existence (by the almighty) out of emptiness. They are older than humans. The almighty would have created a lot of creations before and after he created human beings. But he has not instructed us to believe in them in a certain defined way. Angel's case is different. The creator strictly orders to believe in their existence. (In a clearly defined way). Once the Angels come into existence, the creator entrusts them with different kinds of duties. All these have been declared in the holy Qur'an. A major part of the duties given to Angels is to do service to man kind. Look at the movements of the rain clouds. At a glance it may appear that it is wind that makes them move.

But it is not wind alone helps them move. The presence of Angels is quite evident there. It is the presence of air which pushes an aero plane forward. The same happens when the water is pumped out of a well using a pump set? But air alone cannot do anything. There are pilots and operators or technicians, to facilitate the functions properly. Can we reject the possibility of a driver for the cloud? No. That is the duty of a section of Angels. There has been a system for this, a system in which there are a leader and his assistants. Meekaêl is the head of the department to pour rain transforming clouds rains into rain fall. When the planes take off the name of the pilot is announced to the men on board. The travelers in a way are indebted to pilot. Then, how can those who enjoy rain water forget the head of the water distribution system arranged by the almighty? They must know of that head. They have to believe in Meekaêl. How vast and wide is this system of world water distribution! Still, some people do not give this arch angel, the head of this vast world wide project even the importance or belief they give to the minister of Agriculture in a government, even the importance or belief who propounded this green revolution! It is an unpardonable mistake committed by them.

We often blow out fire. Here, we are blowing to existinguish fire, but, by blowing itself. The same fire can be spread around. Strong wind some times puts out the fire in a fire place. The light of country torches (scroll of dry coconut leaves tied together lit at one end) can be brightened and extinguished by waving it in the air. What does a child do when he blows out the light of a kerosene lamp? He sends out air towards the flame. Like that this shining world too will be blown out once. The duty to send out the wind or unleash the storm of annihilation has been assigned to Israfeel(A). The creator has divided how long the dwellers of the earth and other planets should dwell there. When the destroyed previously decided date comes, the creator orders to destroy their habitats. Israfeel(A) obeys the order and blows them out. But, this duty cannot merely be considered as a duty destroy everything. It is the beginning of a new and necessary creation. The bell sound which mark the end of a three hours exam time that comes after a long study leave is indispensable and inevitable. Only those who have wasted or misused time hate the bell sound. Israfeel(A) puts an end to the life of world. The one who rang the bell causes to writing to be stopped. Yes... It is time to stop writing. The things have already written to be evaluated. Those who have not written too should be given their due! So, The bell to mark the end is essential. So the person who rings the bell is Israfeel and he deserves our respect. He receives not only respect but also strong faith from us. It is must for us to have faith in the angel. The knowledge of a person to ring the bell makes the candidate alert. He should not be wasting his time in the examination hall. If he does not have faith in a bell ringer, of course he will waste his time. Three hours time will end soon. The bell will ring and every thing will be spoilt. Al last he will fail in the exam. This painful experience should not happen to the dwellers of the planet. So to believe in Israfeel is essential.

To run an examination one has to attend it. He must learn the lessons prescribed. There must be a teacher and his lessons and the materials must be available. The angel Gabriel(A) stands atop in the chain of angels, who have performed the duty of delivering these lessons to humans. The lessons were sent down to earth through this Angel. So the service of that Angel is unparalleled. Distribution of these lessons is more important and serious than a water supply project. Of course water is essential for life. But, to make life healthy and systematic a syllabus and lessons are a must. It is there Gabriel becomes number one in the order or position of Angels. The Angel performed the duty of delivering the lessons in a highly successful way. If the lessons have reached their destinations, no damage happens to Gabriel's position or status. He keeps the highest or most elevated position. Even the human beings who live in 2008 have to respect Gabriel who has done the duty of delivering the messages to all the 1 hundred and 25 thousand prophets from Adam to the Prophet Mohammed has to repeat the same prayer at Gabriel (A) name too .it is the expression of belief and respect the same time .

AZRAEEL(A) is the fourth one among the angels. His duty is to receive the souls of those whose dates of destiny (death) have reached . This angel has been executing this task since the life originated in the universe. Imagine the terrible condition in which death does not happen to living beings and trouble it cause in this world of needs and necessities ! Houses, electricity, drinking water and toilets etc…. are only a few of our wants and needs. A believer who prays for peace to be upon the prophets (when he hears their names) has to repeat the same prayer at Gabriel's name too. It is an expression of belief and respect, what will be the consequence if at least all human beings from ADAM (A) to the modern man continue to live in the world ? Panicking even to imagine! There comes the importance of death. But since death causes a person's departure from the world, human hands must not end one's life. A son can't be expected to be bold enough to end the life of his father. Can human beings expect such a condition.?, never. So if man is entrusted with the duty of ending his or others life he can never handle human soul. Where can he place it? What can he do with the soul, of which he knows nothing. If a son pulls his father's soul out, he will have to move round like a boy does when his eyes are covered with a palm from behind. Nevertheless, the departure of souls from body is an inevitable phenomenon. Just like the retirement of government employee. It is because of the existence of death that a ten cent piece of land is used by hundreds of owners during different ages. Taking all these into consideration, Azraîl(A) who handles the department of death commands our respect and admiration. We also believe in that Angel.

The number of Angels is neither four Million or forty Million, only Allah knows it. All of them are created of light and are able to travel at a speed rate of three hundred thousand kilo meter per second. No sexuality exists among them because all of them have been created without gender classification as male and female. They need not any kind of food. They never feel tired or sleepy. They only obey all the orders given by Allah. They do not know how to disobey. The volunteers who are always active under each and every layer of the sky. It is angels who play behind earthquakes, floods, lightning, plane crash etc, to save and to punish humans.

  Read more  
bullet Faith: The Foundation of Nature Religion  
bullet Belief in Allah  
bullet The Belief of Crucifixion  
bullet The fundamentals of Islam  
bullet The fundamentals of Iman  
bullet Does God Exist?  
bullet The Asylum of Destiny  
bullet Simple Theories and Facts  
bullet The Philosophy of Emancipation