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The Philosophy of Emancipation

When the prophet Muhammad (PBH)came with the message of monotheism, the Arabs opposed and tortured him cruelly. The couple Yasir and Sumayyath who followed the prophet was killed brutally. Hasrath Bilal, Suhaib were subjected to extreme harassment. But with patience and expectation the prophet Muhammad (PBH)went on with maximum efforts. He planted "thowheed", the theory of monotheism, in their heart. When they heard the message, they changed totally. The Arabs who used to burgle and kill, who lived only for liquor and woman, who tortured slaves and poor people cruelly for no reason, who squandered for centuries quarrelling each other, became the peerless human beings in the world history. They became the embodiment of love, mutual cooperation and brother hood.


They smashed the statues made by themselves, and emptied the barrels of liquor into drainage; they burned the liquor shops and starving themselves, and helped each others. They could see people whom they never even saw in their life as their own brothers. They even grew up to donate even their wealth completely to those ideal brothers. Bilal, Suhaib, Ammer, Saeed and the like became noble citizens of the country. Centuries longing old war between Ouse and Qazraj came to an end, and hence became brothers. Islam pave them the way to be scholars, thinkers and intellectuals. They grew into the monopolists of the world civilization, science and thought!

Usamath bin Zaid (R) is the son of a slave. But when he came to Islam he did not have anything else. The prophet appointed him the commander in chief of the Islamic army. The prominent personals of Quraish like Aboobaker(R), Umer(R) etc. were soldiers under his commandership.

Bilal had been lived for a long time as slave. Islam elevated the poor man who tasted only the unpleasant experiences in life like Bilal (R) and he got prominent appointment to call the public for prayer from the mosque of Madeena of prophet Muhammad (PBH)- (Masjid An-Nabavi). On hearing Bilal's calling for namaz, all would turn towards the Mosque. They shook hands and kissed Bilal. Bilal who was liberated by Aboobaker (R) after buying for prize, was enjoying later being the governor of Islamic state. Suhaib, Salmanul Farisi etc all were slaves before they came to Islam. But, they enjoyed the highest positions in the Islamic society.

Their complexion and caste did not matter to them. The thought that they were former slaves did not disturb anyone. Monotheism made them one. Human beings are the offspring of the same parents. Caste, tribe, language, complexion and colours didn't come to obstruct this brother hood and relationship. This is the message of Islam. All are slaves of Allah; and whoever has more devotion and carefulness, they are more worthy than others. This is the basic principle of Islam. This principle of Islam led them ahead. The situation of deciding respect by looking caste and colour of skin changed into a condition that decided reverence based on devotion and good character. The prophet taught that human beings are equal like the teeth of the comb.

The nobility of character is the chief attribute of Islamic perception. Whoever among you is of more good character, he is the perfect believer, the prophet Muhammad (PBH)proclaimed. "O, mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other [not that ye may despise (each other). Verily most honored among you in the sight of Allah, is (he who is) the most righteous of you", Quran.

Explaining this, the prophet stated: 'neither Arabs have any privilege than the non-Arabs; nor non-Arabs than Arabs; neither white men than Negroes; nor the Negroes than Whiteman, without devotion. You all are the offspring of Adam and Adam is the son of soil.' This proclamation was getting rid of caste system, color discrimination, labor-harassment etc. He was eradicating arrogance and false prestige that have been dominated over the minds of people for decades.

When this proclamation sounded, 'thakbeer' echoed in the slave-market. The stables for slaves trembled. The bastion of fortress shivered. The eyes of exploiters crimsoned with fury. The tears of happiness flowed in the eyes of poor. They reached at the hermitage of the prophet in the silence of darkness. They stepped on the path of liberty with stealthy and prowling. They found out time to study that philosophy of liberation. The slaves who reached in the hermitage formerly, began to come publicly later. They calculated the kicking, beating, and all brutal harassment as the landmark on the path of liberation of freedom. They firstly knew that they also are human beings.

The liberation movement, which originated in Makkah, blew the tornado of reformation throughout the world. This message created reformation in Rome and Persia . Political system, financial preparation, social relations all changed. Allahu akber, Allahu akber, these sounds echoed, the ringing sound of revolution in the horizon. In the heart, washed with pure water, there is no partiality and greed. Those who entrusted everything to god, and believed everything come from god, don't have partiality.

  Read more  
bullet Faith: The Foundation of Nature Religion  
bullet Belief in Allah  
bullet Belief in Angels  
bullet The Belief of Crucifixion  
bullet The fundamentals of Islam  
bullet The fundamentals of Iman  
bullet Does God Exist?  
bullet The Asylum of Destiny  
bullet Simple Theories and Facts