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The fasting in Bara’th and three Yaseen


A Hadith, proving the Messenger (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) did fasting on the day of Sha’ban fifteen, can be seen in Al Basair (177). Some scholars, who have doubts in the credibility of this Hadith, said that it is not desirable to perform fasting on this day. In other hand, some argue that the Hadith is acceptable and the fasting is a desirable action. Ibnu Hajar (R) who is among the first team says: The fasting of that day includes in the fasting of Ayyamul Beed (all months 13,14,15). Other wise, there is no any particular desire. (Fathaval Kubra 2/80).
Imam Ramli (R) was among the second team. In the light of the Hadith reported by Ibnu Majah, imamRamli (R) says: “the fasting in fifteenth days of Shah’ban is a desirable one. But, the thirteen, fourteen and fifteen are also desirable (Rathava Ramli, Hamish Fathaval kubra).

About three Yaseen

It is possible to make this night alive by reciting any verse or chapter from Holy Quran. Some scholars have commented that some particular Suraths, supplications and invocations are also desirable in this night. It can be seen in the Risala of Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Ibrahim At-Thareemi (R) as said by some spiritual scholars that it is necessary to recite Surath ‘Yaseen’ three times intermittently between Isha’ and Maghrib in the night of Sha’ban fifteen. He should bear in mind while reciting, one of them for getting long living to him and his kiths and kins, the second one for getting Barakath in his food and the third one for including him in the gang of eventual winners.
The sharhul Ihya says: to recite each Yaseen in the fifteenth night of Sha’ban, for getting Barakath in his age, for having prosperity in his food and also for getting Husn Al Khathima (the good death) is an inherit from our predecessors (Ithhaf 3/427).
Imam Dairabi (R) also reported the same. The special invocations for being chanted on this night have been reported from Umar (R) and Abdullah bin Mas’ud (R).
Hence, we could understand the need of receiving this noble night warmly with the different virtuous performing such as the Prayer of the thahajjud, Quranic recitation, supplications, visiting the tombs of great souls, praying for the dead and giving charity so on.
The Almighty may include us among those who considered the night deservingly and therefore got great success in the both world. He may protect us from the evil chanting of the deviators who distort many Sunnaths as Bid’aths (Aameen).


  Read more  
bullet Lailathul Bara'a: a Dogmatic analysis  
bullet The night of Bara'a  
bullet Lailathul Bara’ath: How can be performed?  
bullet Lailathul Bara’th: What do the scholars say?  
bullet The fasting in Bara’th and three Yaseen  
bullet Night of Bara’ Through Hadiths