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Lailathul Bara’ath: How can be performed?


In the wake of reading the two articles ‘Lailathul Bara’a: a Dogmatic analysis’ and ‘The night of Bara’a’ the visitors would understand that the fifteenth night of Sha’ban is so virtuous one. The scholars like Qalid bin Ma’dan, Makhool, Luqman bin Amir and so on used to perform different virtuous deeds on the night of Bara’ath when they grasped from the Hadiths that Allah will forgive all sins of the repented, shower the mercy upon the believers and will answer to the supplications of them on this special night. These all scholars are among the ‘Thabieen’ in Syria. Some of them opinioned it is desirable to perform the deeds on the night, sitting in the Masjid in congregation. Is’haque bin Rahavaihi (R) favored to this opinion. But some commented it is undesirable (Makrooh) to perform the deeds in congregation on this night at the Masjid. They argue that each one must perform the doings individually. Imam Auzaie, the great scholar and Jurisprudent accepted this opinion. In addition, Sheikh Ibnu Rajab (R) also supported it (Zurquani).
In a Hadith reported as Marfooh by Imam Ibnu Majah (R) from Ali (R), the Messenger (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) says: “You should perform the prayers on the night of Sha’ban fifteen and do fasting on the day time of it. Verily, since the sunset, Allah will Climb down to the first sky (i.e. his kindness and mercy) and He will ask until the down that is there any one to seek the forgiveness then I will forgive him. Is there any one to seek the food then I will give. Is there any one to ask the health I will give it and so on. But this Hadith is a weakened one.
Even though, there is no one in its chain of narration who was telling the lie. Imam Zurquani (R) clarified that there are another evident to strengthen the base of this Hadith (Zurquani 7/412).
Can we accept the weakened Hadith? The Imams have different views in it. The Hadith interpreters and Jurist commented it is permissible and desirable to use the non faked Hadiths for frightening the evil doers and for attracting to good deeds. This view can be seen in many prominent books of Jurisprudents.
The Unanimous opinion of the scholars supports the view that to accept the weakened Hadiths in virtuous deeds (Mirquath 2/471). Without giving any prominence to the above mentioned matters, some would cry out for abandoning the weakened Hadiths should be get rid of. Likewise, the most weakened Hadiths too be avoided from the concern. It can be viewed in Sharhul Adkar and so on.
Imam Navavi (R) said in his ‘Adkar’ that it is desirable to accept the weakened Hadiths in the matter of virtuous deeds. Hence, in accordance with being proved the nobility of Sha’ban fifteen by the Hadiths agreed by all, its refusal is ignorance from them.


  Read more  
bullet Lailathul Bara'a: a Dogmatic analysis  
bullet The night of Bara'a  
bullet Lailathul Bara’ath: How can be performed?  
bullet Lailathul Bara’th: What do the scholars say?  
bullet The fasting in Bara’th and three Yaseen  
bullet Night of Bara’ Through Hadiths