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The night of Bara'a


The Creator of the Universe has given the nobility to some than to some people as like some months, places and nights than others. It is the duty of a believer that to respect the things God respected specially. Among them, the fifteenth night of Sha’ban (the 8th month of Islamic calendar) known as the ‘night of Bara’a is a virtuous night. This virtuous night is known as in different names such as: Lailathul Mubarak, (the blessed night) Lailathul Bara’a (the night of emancipation), Lailathussakk (the night written down all matters), Lailathurrahma (the night of kindness) and so on.
Some interpreters of holy Quran have stated the greatness of this night by the help of a many verse of Quran and Hadiths. The Almighty says: By the manifest Book (this Quran) that makes thing clear. We sent it (this Quran) down on a blessed night. Verily, we are ever warning. Therein (that night) is decreed every matter of ordainments (Ad-Dukhan (2-4).
The view of some interpreters including Ikrima (May Allah Mercy upon him) is the night mentioned above verses is the night of Bara’a. Imam Mahalli(May Allah Mercy upon him) says in his thafseer: It (Lailathul Mubaraka) is Lailathul Qadr or the fifteenth night of Sha’ban (Thafseer Al Jalalaini 2/238). It can be seen in thafseer Al Baidavi, Ruhul Bayan, Abussu’ood, Lubab Al tha’veel, Madarik Al Thanzeel and so on as reporting the two options.
But Ikrima (May Allah Mercy upon him) who was one of the four prominent scholars among Thabieen, the pupil of Ibn Abbas and Abdullah bin Umer (May Allah Pleased with them) and the Sheikh of well known scholars like Ibrahim AnNakhaee (May Allah Mercy upon him) says so: all my words concerned with Quran are those which I learned from Ibnu Abbas ((May Allah Pleased with him) (Ithqan by Suyuthi 2/189).
Hence, it can be interpreted that the intention behind the revelation of Quran in the night of Al-Qadr is to send down into the earth and that behind the revelation on night of Bara’a is to send down from Lauhul Mahfud into the first heaven. If so, the some words of some interpreters including Ikrima (May Allah Pleased with them) would not be against the Quran.
The some too, who said the intention with Lailathul Mubaraka might be the night of Al- Qadr, agree the nobility of the night of Bara’a. The difference is only in the night mentioned in that verse. Imam Ibnul Haj (May Allah Pleased with them) comments: inspite of the night not the night of Al-Qadr, it has many virtues and greatness. The predecessors (Salafussaliheem) respected this night more and prepared well to welcome it (Al Madhkhal, 146).
In the verse, the night is described as Mubaraka (more blessed). The word ‘Baraka’ means that the fertility, blessing or development. Many Hadiths have clarified that this night is witnessed for a number of virtues and showering of blessings. It was on this night that the Messenger (Pease and Blessing of Allah be upon him) got the complete privilege of the intercessions. I.e. the Messenger prayed to the Almighty for getting the right of intercession for his community. On that night, Allah gave him one of the right, on the fourteenth night two third of it and on the fifteenth night He gave him complete right of intercession. (Thafseer Razi, 27/238, Ghareebul Quran 25/659, Kasshaf 3/86, Ruhul Bayan 8/404).
Hadiths tell us that the Lord might give the forgiveness to many on this night. From these all, we can grasp the secret of qualifying the night as Lailathul Mubaraka. On that night, all prominent matters will be written down for the next one year.
Here arises a doubt that it is on the night of Al-Qadr that all matters of the living things would be arranged for a next year. The answer is so simple that Allah will give duties to the fixed Angels for fixed matters on the night of Al-Qadr. The matters will be written down very clearly on the night of Bara’a. Ibnu Abbas (May Allah Pleased with him) says: Allah will judge all things on the night of fifteenth day of Sha’ban and will give it to the fixed Angels on the night of Al-Qadr (Thafseer Al Jamal 4/189). The Thafseer of Imam Qurthubi (May Allah Pleased with them) says: on the Lailathul Bara’a it will start to take down the copies of all things written down in Lauhul Mahfud for the next one year. And it will end the copying on the night of Al-Qadr. Consequently, it will be given the copy of the ‘Food’ to the Angel Meekaeel the copy of death and difficulties to the Angel Azraeel (May Allah Blessed with them) and so on.


  Read more  
bullet Lailathul Bara'a: a Dogmatic analysis  
bullet The night of Bara'a  
bullet Lailathul Bara’ath: How can be performed?  
bullet Lailathul Bara’th: What do the scholars say?  
bullet The fasting in Bara’th and three Yaseen  
bullet Night of Bara’ Through Hadiths