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Lailathul Bara'a: a Dogmatic analysis


For years, the Muslim community has given more prominence to the night of Bara’a i.e. the fifteenth night of Sha’ban the 8th month of Islamic calendar. The holy Quran and Hadiths support the peculiarity of this night. Many Quran interpreters consent that the night which was referred in ‘Ad-Dukhan’ (The Smoke, chapter 44) is the night of Bara’a. It is agreeable of the Quranic saying that the specialty of the night is to write down all matters in the world correctly and vividly. The holy Quran brings forth the revelation of the Quran on this night as its an other peculiarity of this night. But the Quranic teaching that the revelation on the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) has been undergone to broad interpretation by the Quranic interpreters. They consent the revelation in the night of Bara’a is only to send down from the Lauhul Mahfoodh in to the first heaven. The holy Book used the word ‘Lailathul Mubaraka’ for qualifying this night. The word means the night which is more virtuous and perfect one.
In nutshell, we can say that this night is prominent one to Muslim community. Concerning the scholastic point of view, the fifteenth night of Sha’ban is known as the ‘Lailathussakk’ ‘Lailathurrahma’ and so on. These names mean that the night on which all matters are written down and the night more blessed by the Lord respectively. Hence this naming itself enlightens the noble position of the night of Bara’a.
The Scholars have commented a lot about the greatness of this night. The Prophet’s privilege on intersession is an important one among its peculiarities. In detail, it is on this night Allah Almighty has bestowed him with the privilege of intersession for his community. A lot of Thafseers (commentaries of holy Quran) including the Thafseer Al Kabeer of Imam Razi (May Allah Mercy upon him) is supportive of it. Yes! on this night Allah decided to raise the spiritual entity of his Messenger in excessively. So, this night is more virtuous to the real believers of Islam.


  Read more  
bullet Lailathul Bara'a: a Dogmatic analysis  
bullet The night of Bara'a  
bullet Lailathul Bara’ath: How can be performed?  
bullet Lailathul Bara’th: What do the scholars say?  
bullet The fasting in Bara’th and three Yaseen  
bullet Night of Bara’ Through Hadiths